Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Our Family Pics 2009
So it had been awhile since I actually did family pictures so I decided to jump on it and get it done. Luckily we have a great photograhper which happens to be Dan,Jody's hubby. He did such a great job it was hard to pick just a couple ones I liked! We had a great location too! Tony's Grandma and late Grandpa Carter live up East Canyon so we were lucky to go and get some pictures taken up there. There was so many great spots too. So thanks Grandma Carter and Danny!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Our Summer
I still can't believe that summer is pretty much over, but we did have a good summer. Tony decided to put up our little pool so that Gannon would get better with water. He isn't such a fan of the water, Raegn LOVES IT! They were pretty much outside in it all summer. Then in August we had to trips so to start off the month we went with Tony and his sister's family and his mom to Bear Lake. We were the only ones who slept in a tent and actually happened to have the most comfortable bed of the trip. It was way nice to wake up in the morning and just sit right near the beach. Tony couldn't have been more happier just to relax he really needed it. He actually stayed up all night with all the other guys just chatting away. yes I said Tony was talking, he of course did have a liquid courage to help. Thanks Mel for inviting us it was a blast and I can't wait for next year and Denny's famous dutch oven! It was a little funny how with Tony's family we were the first to wake up and with mine we were the last to wake up. So the 3rd week of August we got the chance to go up to the Johnson cabin (Thanks Brandi and Aaron) We had a great time up there. I jumped off the bridge but Tony thought that considering if you didn't jump at the right area you could probably really mess yourself up because the water was way low that maybe since he was the bread maker that wouldn't be such a good idea. BUT IT WAS A BLAST! Anyways tubing was way fun to even though Tony, Hollie and I got hailed on while we were tubing and it did feel like bullets I swear. I loved being able to stay up with my family and playing games, and thanks Dan for the entertainment oh I will never forget you elevator can't wait to see it next year! For some reason I'm thinking I like to take pictures of my kids sleeping alot cause I always have some on every trip. It probably because they are the sweetest when the are asleep and quiet ahhh the peace! Well thanks everyone for coming and enjoying the summer with us! Now to my favorite season of all year! FALL YAY! And Amy you were very missed!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Boating with Brandi & Aaron
So Brandi & Aaron took us boating and it was a blast. We did come home a little sunburnd and I mean blister like but it was way worth it. It's only taken me forever to post some of the pictures, but I though I would give a little shout out to Brandi & Aaron for being so great and letting us all have a great time. I'm so lucky to have all my sisters. They are the best and I love you all. Thanks for putting up with my shit. Love you!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Raegn's first lost tooth
So on May 31st Raegn had her dance recital which she happened to be in 2 different acts so we were there at 11 am and 7 pm but she did so good. I also learned not to format you sd card because it will erase no ballet shots. They both got to play tball this year although Gannon's was more of an instructional tball. They both love playing tball. Raegn's team name was Sunbirds and she had a great team and awesome coach. So hopefully next year they will be just as excited!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Garden Time
So it's that time for the Garden and we all now I have a husband who loves to do it. So this was a little while ago but oh well the first time we planted everything froze(you have to love out eratic weather) but we just restarted and everything is going far!!! SO here is a hoping that all of our vegetables come on in Fabulously and fast enough to have some homemade salsa!!! YAY
Friday, April 17, 2009
Raegn and Kelsie's ear piercing
So I told Raegn I would show everyone that her ears are pierced she was so excited. Aaron called to see if she would tag along for extra support for Kelsie to get hers done, and when Kelsie was having a little nervousness Aaron called to check to see if maybe Raegn could get hers done and then maybe Kelsie would and sure enough Raegn was more than willing, jumped right up and got them pierced. Sometimes she surprises me at how brave she can be and sure enough it worked and Kelsie went right after and neither one cried. Now if I can just get her to remember to clean them 3 times a day. She did say her goal was to get as many as mommy and in case some of you don't know I have 4 on one ear and 5 on the other (I would like more but Tony says the poke too much), don't worry though I doubt she will catch up to me.
Easter 2009
Raegn and Gannon really enjoyed Easter. We went up to Grandma Karen's for Easter day and she was pretty smart and put stickers on the eggs so the kids would know which one is theirs henceforth not the drama of who has more. The part Gannon loved the most was the hunting for eggs he was finding everyone elses eggs for them. The most exciting was the money in the eggs they didn't even really give 2 thoughts about the candy just the money. Like every holiday we end it with them falling asleep on the ride home. You have to love the 1/2 hour ride home just for that. We did go to Grandma Denese's or should I say Brandi's house for another easter egg hunt but I didn't get the pictures yet. I will have to post them later. I hard the hardest time choosing a dress for Raegn so I was really bad and just bought both. She needed new dresses anyways so I though what the hell.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Kangaroo Zoo
So on Wed. we went to Kangaroo Zoo. Gannon loves it there cause he can run around, jump(his most favorite thing to do) and do his flips all in all by Crazy! The boys loved it and even made a little friend. Bridger had a hard time going to play cause Dakota was there so all he wanted to do was to play with Dakota. Seriously if you haven't been there you really should it is so awesome cause the kids just get to be kids and you get a nap afterwards :p Thanks Jodo for getting us hooked.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Scuba Diving for my early birthday!
So I decided to get Tony out of the house on a Saturday for being cooped up all winter long. So for my early birthday we went to Sea Base we left at 6:45 AM so we could get in before all the classes went in. You couldn't see much we did see a bunch of fish and the nerf shark, but wow it had been a long long time since the last time I went to sea base not to mention the last time I went scuba diving was in Hawaii so it really couldn't compare! We did however had a blast after Tony finally got enough weights in him to sink (try 50 lbs). We will have to go again soon!! I definitly need some more practice. Not to mention a new BC the appace SUCKS to carry anyways I sunk fine!!! Thanks for comin everyone it was a Blast!<
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The face says it all!!!
Yeah don't be fooled this is his but I'm your buddy mommy look. He like to pull this look when he either wants something or he has destroyed something. It is usually the destroyed something, but honestly can you really say no to this. The funny thing is though the cute little yellow vest is actually for a teddy bear Teresa gave him and he loves to put things on just to get a reaction out of people but his face was what made him so dang adorable. Oh my little Gannon what will he do next. All I know is that he sure does keep us on our toes and we love him!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Frostina the snowoman!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Raiders Game
So we went to the Raiders game in Oakland last November but I had to post one of Tony's favorite thing he did last year. We got really lucky because I decorate cakes for a great lady who let us buy these AWESOME seats for their cost. We were on seat 19 right in back of the BLACK HOLE. It was pretty cool to see all the crazy fans you see on TV and we were way suprised at how little the field looked to us. I mean on TV it looks GIGANTIC!!! We just stayed over night but it was way FUN and hopefully we can do it again!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Our Christmas
I know I'm horrible at this blogging thing but I did tell megan I would either put up a picture or an update so this is for you!!! We had a wonderful christmas this year! I think once again Santa went overboard but apparently the kiddies weren't to much of hellians this past year although I'm sure gannon was pretty close to the naughty list!!! We had such a great Christmas spirit that I still haven't taken down any of the decorations, yes that's my excuse & I'm totally running with it. But anyway now we are just heading right into a new year with Tonys 32nd birthday on the sixth & Gannon's on the 17 that I'm still having a hard time with my baby being 4 & no I'm not having anymore my baby is wonderful but a handful & Raegn will even tell you that we can't have anymore. She would rather just have Kota bear (Dakota,Tracis baby) to spoil & treat her like a baby so when she has Tony's full attention she doesn't have to share it. Well that about sums it up, when I get to a real computer instaed of a phone I will upload my pictures of Rae's face opening presents & Gannon with his Hulk hands & mask on.
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