The kids had a little too much fun with the toliet plunger. Don't worry it was brand new. Gannon kept playin with our gross one so we went and bought and new little one for a toy.
So if you think like me,Cherri, then you're thinking it's time for her, Dakeri, to update so I thought this would be a cute image of Raegn at our last trip to the zoo. The cute girl was trying to hold still for a picture and slid right off the back end of the tigers bum.
Friday, June 20, 2008
So everything is ok. I'm sure most of you know that one of my really good friends Mike King died and that has been really hard on me, but besides that Rae is out of school and just finished TBall which we found out she totally loved and is pretty funny watchin her and her run after she comes around the bases, Dalton Jacques little girl Cassidy is on her team to. Gannon is still bein a butt and we are tryin to potty train but everytime we tell him to go potty he says oh well mommy will just change me so we are bribing(sorry can't spell) him with goin to see the HULK which he seems excited to see just hasn't quite gone yet. Tony is still on graves which totally sucks but he likes it now that Rae is out of school and will entertain Gannon most of the time to give Tony the wind down time. SO besides that everythin is ok. WE are really excited to go on our big family trip when Amy and Zac comes to town and maybe Tysen can play Hulk with Gannon cause he likes to play really rough and ends up hurtin people so maybe if theres someone bigger he won't get in trouble, but then again he does have the Webster blood runnin through him so he is a little stubborn and it takes a lot for him to give up.